
The Ceynorian Pantheon Region
Status Deity Specific Alignment Domains Symbol Other known names Anaksa Erukana Winter isles
Prime Paladine Prime God of the Light LG Life, Good, knowledge A silver dragon Bahamut x x
Prime Mishakal Prime Goddess of Life, healing, beauty, love and nature CN Life, Healing, Nature A unicorn or a golden heart Mielikke, Hanali (elf) x x
Prime Takhisis Prime Goddess of Power, Pride, Control, war and chromatic dragons LE War, Tempest A five headed dragon Tiamat x x
Prime Clangeddin Silverbeard God of Just and honorable war LG-LN War, Tempest Crossed silver axes or a mighty warhammer Tempus x x
Prime Corellion Larethian God of Art and Magic CG Arcane, Light Cresent moon x x x
Prime Flandal Steelskin God of Mining and metalwork NG Knowledge Flaming hammer x x x
Amaunatir God of the sun LN Life, Light Golden sun Lathander x x
Auril Goddess of winter LE Nature, Tempest Six-pointed snowflake x x x
Azuth God of Wizardry LN Arcana, Knowledge Left hand pointing upwards, outlined in flames x x
Bane God of Tyranny LE War Upright black hand, thumb and fingers together x x
Besheba Goddess of misfortune CE Trickery Black antlers
Bhaal God of Murder NE Death Skull surrounded by blood droplets
Chauntea Goddess of agriculture NG Life Blooming rose over grain x x
Chemosh God of undeath CE Undead A grinning skull on a black drop x
Cyric God of lies CE Trickery Jawless skull on purple sunburst x
Deneir God of writing NG Arcane, Knowledge Lit candle over open eye x x
Eldath Goddess of peace NG Life, Peace Waterfall plunging into water pool x x x
Gond God of crafting and craft LG Knowledge Mountain or Hammer and anvil Muradin - dwarves & gnomes x x
Helm God of Watchfullness LN Life, Light Starring eye in a gauntlet x
Malar Beast god of nature CN Nature A beast claw x x
Morgion God of death and secrets NE Trickery, death, shadow A broken set of scakes x
Waukeen Goddess of trade N Knowledge, Trickery Upright coin with a woman's face x x